The Miracle of Christmas is the Miracle of Hospitality
StoriesBegging for the miracle of hospitality to happen in each of our hearts this Christmas
Begging for the miracle of hospitality to happen in each of our hearts this Christmas
Friends in the Twin Cities organize a two-day event to explore and judge Generative AI.
“Having taken baby steps towards the Infinite on my cancer journey, I know that what I long for is for Christ to come again.”
How a Maryland pregnancy center lives the relationship with Our Lady of Guadalupe
“There was in that moment, and still is, a familiarity and unity between us that I cannot explain.”
What is Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas and the mother of all humanity, revealing to us?
A meditation for the beginning of Advent: learning to embrace our own poverty by remembering Christ
An introduction to the Book of the Month for December: Death Comes for the Archbishop
Stephen reflects on the power of ecumenism and the hospitality of a thoughtful Episcopal community.
Kuok-Wai Lio, internationally renowned pianist, tells his story and explains why he came to Milan from overseas for the Concert for peace, in memory of Father Giussani, which was organized by CLU students.
Friends engage in a dialogue on The Anxious Generation, starting from experience and not from fear
Remembering Cardinal Renato Martino, an old friend of Communion and Liberation to whom we owe gratitude and affection
“Each School of Community is about remembering that I am called, sent, to go on the mission of working on and discovering myself.”
Martino shares his experience of the North America Assembly recently held in Estes Park, CO
Friends in Columbus, OH host a presentation on The Risk of Education with the apostolic nuncio
Fear of losing freedom drives many conversations surrounding politics today. But what is “freedom”?
Broadening the horizon of “politics,” the New York City community hosted a panel discussion with Br. Luke Lapean, SJ and Dr. Elvira Parravicini.
An introduction to the November Book of the Month: The Relevance of the Stars by Msgr. Albacete
What can be discovered within a summer spent with children suffering from cancer?
Not knowing what to expect, friends from a small community in New Orleans attend the Houston Beginning Day
“A judgment requires that we value the Truth above all else, which necessitates staking a claim on the political and policy questions of the day.”