Stories - 2024 - Page 4

Education and the Road to Destiny


The Tampa Bay Community hosted a panel to discuss the content of The Risk of Education and saw firsthand the grace of the charism given by the Holy Spirit to Fr. Giussani

A Unique Lens


The friends that organized the Leonard Cohen exhibit at the 2024 New York Encounter share their judgment on the work.

Living the Liturgy


A book including Fr. Giussani’s meditations on the liturgy is now available in English through Slant Books

A Friendship Full of Wonder


Friends in Houston, TX host a cultural event discussing the role of wonder in the dynamics of knowing.

The Net


A new publication by Human Adventure Books addresses the question: “How can you save someone who doesn’t want to be saved?”

Spirto Gentil Society


Changed by the friendship with a couple that moved away, Bill and his wife decide to open their home with the hope of meeting and embracing more of these friends.

This Little Flame


“These days of knowing the Movement have educated me to a wovenness with the lives of others that is new for me.”

Photo by: Paolo Bendandi // Unsplash

God Was Waiting For Me


Invited to reconsider the value of Charitable Work, Laura begins a journey and experiences God’s caress.

An Inextinguishable Source of Unity


After seeing his friends, Massimo is left “with a bigger desire, and a simple prayer to learn to recognize Him wherever I am, whomever I’m with.”

<em>Healing of a Blind Man </em> by Eustache Le Sueur

In Him I See Who I Am


Fr. Brian reflects on how the charism of CL helps him to be a priest, even within the discovery of his own limits.

Nativity and Adoration of the Shepherds by Giotto

He Dwells Among Us


An invitation to read January’s Book of the Month, Jesus of Nazareth: The Infancy Narratives by Pope Benedict XVI.