Stories - 2024 - Page 3

Seeing Heaven Everywhere


“The unity that we followed at the Exercises somehow enabled our disparate lives to bleed together into one.”

Students on pilgrimage

Prayer is Action


Communion and Liberation University students prepare to go on pilgrimage to pray for peace

Hannah and Mandy

An Essential Companionship


Experiencing "long loneliness," Hannah finds companionship in the community of Communion and Liberation.

Solar eclipse image, 2017 (via Unsplash)

Witnessing the Eclipse


Traveling from Baltimore, Giuliana and Massimo reflect on their experience of the 2024 total solar eclipse.

Kids boarding school bus (vintage photograph via Unsplash)

Tracy's Story


A South Carolina morning spent with friends leads to the telling of a remarkable life.

Way of the Cross, Washington, D.C.

Way of the Cross 2024


Communities throughout the country gathered on Good Friday to witness to the Event that saves.

St. Bernadette Soubirous (public domain via Wikimedia Commons)

The Grotto of Hope

StoriesPaolo Mattei

A book review of April’s Book of the Month: The Song of Bernadette by Franz Werfel. Originally published in the April issue of Tracce.

Tara Isabella Burton, Fr. Patrick Gilger, and Stephen Adubato's panel at the Encounter (Ana Emilia Hernandez)

The Totality of the Question

StoriesEmily Lehman

An interview with Tara Isabella Burton, a panelist at the New York Encounter’s “Can the Soul Remain Open When Life Settles In?” in conversation with Fr. Patrick Gilger and Stephen Adubato

Photo: Bethany Beck via Unsplash

An Act of Forgiveness


Sometimes an answer to prayer comes through unexpected channels, in the course of everyday charitable work.

Courtesy of Angel studios

Not Enough Jesus

StoriesBarbara Gagliotti

A review of the new film Cabrini by Angel Studios

Photo by Andrew Shiau // Unsplash

A Consciousness Awake to Reality

StoriesHannah Keegan

The poet Christian Wiman opened the New York Encounter highlighting this year’s theme: “Tearing Open the Sleeping Soul.” The following morning we sat down for a conversation with him.

Luca Fiammenghi / Fraternità di CL

The Voice of a History

StoriesPaola Ronconi

Pippo Molino, musician and composer, describes in a recent book the place of singing in the movement: “It is born in a living community. It is one with the experience we have. And a choir is pure charity.” From the January issue of Tracce.

"Morning Sun" by Edward Hopper

A True Realist

StoriesStephen E. Lewis

This month’s “Book of the Month” is The End of the Affair, published in 1951 by the twentieth-century English novelist Graham Greene.