The Gift of Fr. Giussani

A student shares his gratitude for having met Fr. Giussani through a philosophy class.

I teach philosophy at the Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico. I want to share what a young student, who is a novice in a religious order, wrote to me a couple of days ago about how the little he has been able to read of Father Giussani has impacted him (I use a selection from The Religious Sense in my Philosophical Anthropology and Ethics classes):

“There is one other little thing I wanted to mention and it is that I am really drawn to the person of Father Luigi Giussani, his writings and his way of seeing things. It seems to me that they are a great contribution to the church, in particular in these times. I am drawn to how he invites people to see the beauty of Jesus and of the way he describes what can really fill us with happiness and give true meaning to our life, through an encounter. And it is not that happiness and meaning had been distinct in the past, but it is beautiful to see how he arrives at these conclusions through reason and through the constant method of witness. I really do think, and here I paraphrase the words of Saint Paul VI (even though I don’t remember them very well): ‘Today’s world does not look for the truth and so does not turn to philosophers; today’s world looks for happiness and therefore turns to witnesses.’ The world is divided because, while wanting happiness so badly, it does not recognize that this is inseparable from truth, and that happiness and truth are found in Jesus Christ. I consider the content of Father Giussani’s books very valuable (even though I have only read the selections you gave us) because, by putting together truth and beauty in his writings, he shows how they are the path to reach true happiness; and I hope in the future to be able to nourish myself from his contribution and in this way to be able to show the beauty of Jesus to the people I meet on the road of life, starting not only from the spiritual dimension but also from the side of reason. Thank you, professor, because if it wasn’t for you I would not have known Giussani. Thank you from my heart.”

Giuseppe, Puerto Rico