"Come and Give Until It Hurts"
StoriesFr. Vincent looks at the Dobbs decision in light of his experience as a hospital chaplain.
Fr. Vincent looks at the Dobbs decision in light of his experience as a hospital chaplain.
An interview with Notre Dame law professor, Paolo Carozza, helps us understand the particulars of the Supreme Court Dobbs decision.
Rachelle recounts community life in North Carolina. In 2011 there were seven people, but at their last gathering there were more than 40 people. "What are You doing, Lord, that You have created this community out of practically nothing?"
Tecla shares her family's journey of fostering and the beauty she has discovered.
Participating in the Synodal process, Luca witnesses the presence of Christ that transforms everything.
The contribution of the President of the fraternity of CL at the theological conference held June 20th at the Pontifical Lateran University, which helps to “look more deeply at what co-essentiality between charism and institution means.”
Meghan rediscovers the meaning of charitable work in her weekly visit to Alice.
Rachelle shares the burst of life happening in the North Carolina Community.
After a period when many friends began to leave, new faces came to join Chevy and the community in Bloomington. She shares how she discovered the joy of sharing with others what she has met.
The Texas massacre, the media storm, the suffering of young people, and the hundred college students vacationing on the slopes of Longs Peak, Colorado. A professor speaks of the "hope in this world" that he saw in them.
Helping an Afghan family settle in the U.S., friends discover the real need they have in common.
Laura shares her experience of following the Fraternity Exercises in the midst of a suffering world.
Facing the recent tragedies, Dawn reflects on her experience as a survivor of the Sandy Hook School shooting.
"Please give us the faith to be more certain of your Presence in the hardships of this world."
Friends from Indiana, Tennessee, Minnesota, and New Jersey gathered in the Smokey Mountains to follow the Fraternity Exercises. Amid hikes and children, "we left filled with the certainty that the cabin was—and our friendship is—a place of belonging."
Vanessa's search from Silicon Valley to Italy to Los Angeles. And that day at Giussani’s funeral…”The experience I was having was enough for me to understand that the faith he was witnessing was something reasonable.” From February Tracce.
Angie shares how the experience of moving was "one of belonging".
Encountering the poor, Matteo discovers more of his own humanity.
Even life in the Costco checkout line can become "truer, more beautiful".
Suffering the loss of a dear friend, the Greenville GS embraces the whole St. Joe's community.
Whitney discovers a surprising joy and gratitude in the months following her mother's funeral.