Stories - 2020 - Page 4

There is No Recipe


Stuck at home, struggling with work. There is no "figuring it out." But there is a chance to discover what it is to be "new creature."

The Miracle of Hospitality

StoriesMeghan Isaacs

Jason and Erin have thrown open their hearts and their life to the unexpected. Here is their story.

Love Without Measure

StoriesLetizia Mariani

Raffaella and Ilaria share how their lives have changed since they encountered the "Miracle of Hospitality."

The Shape of New York Encounter, 2021 Edition


New York Encounter is asking for input on the theme and format for the upcoming year. Patrick, a member of the core team that creates the program for the Encounter, spoke with the Newsletter about the proposal.

In the Right Place

StoriesLuca Fiore

In New York it is a new “September 11th.” Francesco Rotatori shares what is happening with him and his colleagues.

In This Concrete Companionship


Deacon Michael discovers that his ordination will be delayed due to COVID-19. How will he face this new reality?

Becoming Someone


Father Jim finds himself serving in a hospital, scrambling to "be somebody." What will save him from falling into nothingness?

Who Is This Man?


An attorney is faced with clients who have no hope of seeing freedom any time soon. And He appears in their midst.

In the Noise of My House


Challenged to find "monastic structure" in her busy family life, Vanessa shifts her gaze. And her days begin to change.

The Recovery of My Humanity

StoriesGiorgio Vittadini

"The Mystery comes to me through the vital and contradictory unfolding of reality."

Straight to the Essential


Marissa and her fiancé's wedding is on hold. In the space of silence and uncertainty, here is what she discovers.

"I am Facing Christ"


Miriam gave her class an assignment on Generating Traces just as they went to online classes. Here is Anabella's response.

Seeing Him Happening


At first she resists the restrictions required by the pandemic. But then Elisa recognizes a presence that calls her "out of nothingness."