Stories - 2020 - Page 3

His Faithfulness Defines Me


The present situation provokes our desires for peace, rest, hope, meaning. But where are they to be found?

The True Revolution


Maria Teresa felt trapped in her "white privilege." Then, a "fortuitous circumstance" suggested a way forward.

Going Back to the Beginning


In the face of the present calls for justice, Stephanie recalls her first encounter with the testimonies of slaves who found liberation in Christ.

The Only "Big Plan"


From the courtroom, where black clients are pleading for mercy, to the Black Lives Matter protest her boss insists that she join, an attorney faces her day in the only way she can.

The Gift of Unity


Seeking to understand how to "become a presence," Hannah goes back to charitable work. An answer appears in a look of tenderness.

Facing Their Pain


Rosie wanted to spend time remembering her mother, but the protests intervened. Opening herself to the protestors anguish helped her lead her art students along the same path.

Crossing the Divide


Sadness, confusion, and fear filled Father John's heart after the death of George Floyd. A way forward opened up, unexpectedly, when he crossed to other side of his driveway.

The Depth of Our Hidden Wound

StoriesApolonio Latar III

After the death of George Floyd, I peacefully protested for the same reason I go to the March for Life: it is a small gesture to show the presence of a people that affirms the fundamental goodness of life against the evil present in culture.

A Gift I Cannot Repay


Lucas and his family were invited to a beautiful place in the Black Hills of South Dakota. In the face of this extraordinary hospitality, a greater awareness has taken hold of him.

What Do We Actually Want?


The death of George Floyd has provoked Gen Y to come out from in front of their screens and take to the streets. In a letter to a friend, Joe wonders what the next step will be.

A Greater Freedom


Stuck at home, with no place to go, Audrey wanted to numb herself. Then came the proposal of a "Rule."

You Are Not Alone


Called to offer the sacraments to those dying of Covid-19, Father Daniele discovers a new depth to vocation, time, and work.

Little by Little


Rosella once imagined that she would do "great things." Now, "greatness" comes in a new stance, at once simple and exceptional, in front of the smallest things.

Staying With This Cry


In front of the "buzzwords," the true temptation presents itself: remaining "above it all."

Show Us Your Face


After viewing the video of George Floyd's death, Ken grapples with the denial of mercy and his own urgent cry.

Of Fellowship and Hope


An evening devoted to the topic of the economy in the wake of the pandemic yields some unexpected conclusions.

Baldwin and Race

StoriesRose Helen Tomassi

Editor's note: The following article was written in February for those who were joining in the preparation of the James Baldwin Exhibit at New York Encounter.

Born of a "Yes"


Irene's children are out protesting, but at home, respect is an issue. So, what is the basis of our respect for one other?

Speaking of Work


A shared need to discuss the challenges and questions posed by their work draws friends together. An invitation to join them.