A Father Who is Faithful
Something new is born in Tulsa, Oklahoma.As of March 2022, Tulsa, Oklahoma, now has a School of Community presence.
When I relocated from Buffalo in July 2020, I knew the nearest presence of the Movement was in Oklahoma City. “Zooming” into SoC had been common to me even pre-pandemic, but my desire for a physical community in Tulsa eventually became undeniable. Although I had been following Communion and Liberation since my high school years, I had never led a School of Community. I was always happy to follow the ‘yes’ of others.
As I continued in my new position in Tulsa, in my conversations with my friends, in front of my work, I became more and more grateful for the education that I received from my friendships in CL. I finally fully faced this desire, and Christ seemed to answer in a very surprising way: through the presence of Mrsg. Albacete.
Fr. Jon Fincher, who had met CL in 2017 during his seminarian formation in Rome, had since then been assigned to Christ the King Parish in Tulsa. As he was reading The Relevance of the Stars, he noticed my last name on the Tulsa Catholic young adults’ group chat – Lickona. “Are you related to Lisa Lickona? Are you in CL?” A text message and coffee meeting later, I had a face, someone who wanted to keep sharing in this friendship and education, like me. We now meet regularly for School of Community at Fr. Jon’s parish.
In taking my desire seriously, I saw His Love more clearly.
Monica, Tulsa, OK