"Adhere to Christ, Build the Church"

An excerpt from Davide Prosperi's Preface to the new book of Fr. Giussani, "Una rivoluzione di sé. La vita come comunione (1968-1970)" [A Revolution of Self. Life as Communion (1968-1970)].

"What Surprises Me, Says God, Is Hope"

The booklet of the Spiritual Exercises of the Fraternity of Communion and Liberation.

The Great Pilgrimage of Faith

Bishop Earl shares his reflections from the 10th National Eucharistic Congress that concluded Sunday in Indianapolis

Having just returned from the 10th National Eucharistic Congress, I wanted to offer these reflections, as I participated in the pilgrimage in the Diocese of Columbus and in the Congress itself in Indianapolis. The pilgrimage entered the Diocese of Colu...


The Need for a Total Answer

Part VIII of The Religious Sense at Work series: the witness of working within the tech sector

The Religious Sense at Work is a weekly limited series that explores the way our communal reading of The Religious Sense informs and illuminates our experience of work. My career has always been rooted in the belief that technology can positively impac...


The Person As Protagonist

An interview with AVSI-USA on its founding vision and current feature in the US Senate hearing

Born from a rich experience among friends living the charism of Communion and Liberation, AVSI Foundation was established in 1972 to carry out humanitarian and development projects world-wide. AVSI-USA – a member of the AVSI Foundation – is a non-profit o...


Life from Another

Part VII of The Religious Sense at Work series: the witness of a priest called to a new assignment

The Religious Sense at Work is a weekly limited series that explores the way our communal reading of The Religious Sense informs and illuminates our experience of work. I am a diocesan priest, ordained a little over three years. My first couple years o...


Pilgrim at Tinker Creek and The Religious Sense

Pilgrim at Tinker Creek by Annie Dillard points us, just as Fr. Giussani does, to the person’s original need for truth, beauty, and happiness

The book Pilgrim at Tinker Creek is an old favorite of mine, one that I tend to keep on my bedside table. I like it to be handy so I can pick it up on a whim and read a few pages of Annie Dillard’s masterful prose. So I was quite pleased when I learned th...

(Photo: Unsplash/Colin Moldenhauer)


“Anticipation of vacation is evidence of the will to live; for just this reason it must not be ‘vacation’ from oneself. Then summer will not be an interruption or a postponement of taking life seriously.”

The vacation period is approaching. This is not a detachment from oneself, but an opportunity to go even deeper into what one lives. For it is there, during time off, that one understands what one really wants. We repropose passages on this theme taken fr...


Discovering the Meaning of Everything

Part VI of The Religious Sense at Work series: a witness from an accountant to a spirit of service

The Religious Sense at Work is a weekly limited series that explores the way our communal reading of The Religious Sense informs and illuminates our experience of work. I have been working as a senior manager in the tax department of an important accou...

Davide Prosperi and Pope Francis at the audience on October 15, 2022 for Fr. Giussani's centenary (Catholic Press Photo)


The life of the movement and key steps taken in recent years, including the relationship with politics and culture. The President of the Fraternity speaks in an interview with Corriere della Sera.

“Communion and Liberation will not give up giving its own judgment on reality.” Davide Prosperi is a 52-year-old biochemist, Professor at the Bicocca University, and specialist in Nanomedicine. From Milan, he is married and is the father of four, and has ...

The Sick Child I by Edvard Munch, 1896, lithograph, Bergen Kunstmuseum

The Original Beauty

Part V of The Religious Sense at Work series: the witness of a pediatric home care nurse

The Religious Sense at Work is a weekly limited series that explores the way our communal reading of The Religious Sense informs and illuminates our experience of work. The School of Community work this year has been pivotal in generating a new awarene...


The Life of Enzo Piccinini

As an introduction to July's Book of the Month, we present Jessica's witness to Enzo's help in her work in the medical field.

The Book of the Month for July is Everything I Did I Did for Happiness: The Life of Enzo Piccinini, by Marco Bardazzi. Here, we present Jessica’s witness to Enzo’s significant help in her work as an invitation to read the book. Enzo Piccinini, an Ital...


Living Life as a Journey

Participants of the CL National Diaconia joined National Eucharistic Pilgrims for a morning of worship at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception

On the weekend of June 7-9, over ninety people from across the United States met for the National Diaconia at the Theological College in Washington D.C. Fr. Michael Carvill introduced the weekend by recalling that “it is beautiful to be together because o...

Courtesy of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia. Nicodemus by Henry Ossawa Tanner.

“I will preach with my brush”

An interview with a museum curator about the work of Henry Ossawa Tanner 165 years after his birth

There is a medium sized painting towards the back of a large gallery room in the Cincinnati Art Museum that catches your eye immediately. It is Henry Ossawa Tanner’s Flight Into Egypt and the blues that depict the night, outlining the three figures of the...


Seeking Truth Intensely

Part IV of The Religious Sense at Work Series: a witness from a high school theology teacher

The Religious Sense at Work is a weekly limited series that explores the way our communal reading of The Religious Sense informs and illuminates our experience of work. I am a high school theology teacher, but I can easily despair attempting to educate...

Pope Francis at meeting with moderators of lay associations, movements and new communities. Rome, June 13, 2024 (Photo: Fraternity CL)


"Thinking as God thinks, overcoming exclusiveness, and cultivating humility." Francis spoke at the meeting of the Dicastery for the Laity, the Family and Life with moderators of lay associations, ecclesial movements and new communities.

Your Eminence, Dear brothers and sisters, good morning and welcome to everyone! I am pleased to meet with you and take this opportunity to reflect with you on synodality, which you have chosen as the theme for your meeting. I have often emphasized tha...


Hope Reborn

The growing friendship between the CL Community in Florida and Cenacolo through the Way of the Cross and a pilgrimage

Over the last few years our CL Community in Florida has had the opportunity to grow in friendship with the Comunità Cenacolo in St. Augustine, FL. Cenacolo was founded by Mother Elvira in 1983 to provide hope and healing to those suffering from addiction....


The Heart of Corporate America

Part III of The Religious Sense at Work Series: a witness from corporate America to the attention that changes everything.

The Religious Sense at Work is a weekly limited series that explores the way our communal reading of The Religious Sense informs and illuminates our experience of work. I work in the heart of corporate America, immersed on a daily basis in a “system” t...

Mary Cassatt, Mother and Child (The Goodnight Hug)

Never Give Up Asking

Part II of The Religious Sense at Work Series: the witness of a stay-at-home mom

The Religious Sense at Work is a weekly limited series that explores the way our communal reading of The Religious Sense informs and illuminates our experience of work. No experience in my life has stripped me down to my limits like that of motherhood....

Madresfield Court by Philip Halling (real-life inspiration for Brideshead Castle)

Brideshead Revisited and the Religious Sense

An introduction to the Book of the Month for June, Evelyn Waugh's Brideshead Revisited.

I am not a literary scholar, nor am I an expert on this book, which I read for the first time just a few months ago. However, I can talk about why I wish that all the friends who, like me, have been working on The Religious Sense would read Brideshead Rev...


The Christian Way

Maddie reflects on her experience of meeting CL during her graduate program at Penn State

Just over a year ago, I was invited to my first School of Community. Before I started my Food Science Master’s program at Penn State, I had never heard of Communion and Liberation, and I knew little of what to expect. Admittedly, it took me a while to get...


Birth Begs A Meaning

Part I of our new series The Religious Sense at Work: the witness of a postpartum nurse.

The Religious Sense at Work is a weekly limited series that explores the way our communal reading of The Religious Sense informs and illuminates our experience of work. I experience the religious sense at work constantly. As a postpartum nurse, I have ...

Gaza, around the al-Shifa hospital, April 2024 (Photo: © Omar Ishaq/APA Images via Zuma Press Wire/Mondadori Portfolio)


Two fathers, one Israeli, the other Palestinian, whose daughters were killed in separate incidents in the conflict, reconciled in the Parents' Circle association. We met them along with writer Colum McCann, who wrote the epic book Apeirogon.

Ever since I read Apeirogon, the masterpiece by Colum McCann, I have wanted to meet the writer and the two protagonists of the work: the Israeli Rami Elhanan, and the Palestinian Bassam Aramin. A meeting took place thanks to my friends at the Rimini Meeti...

George Xanthis and Abe Martell as "John and Big James" (The Chosen)

The Sons of Thunder Reflect on "The Chosen"

For George Xanthis and Abe Martell, actors of The Chosen, the set and crew have become a place of family, connection, and a new familiarity with historical figures

When I first heard of The Chosen, it was early in the Covid-19 pandemic. I had seen advertisements for the show, but wasn’t interested in another cheesy Christian production. I don’t know what prompted me to wade into the first season, but I’m glad I did....

Carlo Acutis


Pope Francis has recognized a miracle attributable to the intercession of Blessed Carlo Acutis, soon to be canonized. Here is a portrait of the young Milanese man inflamed by the passion for his Friend Jesus (from Traces, February 2014)

“Ma’am, your son is special.” Antonia Acutis heard this many times, from their parish priest, from his teachers and classmates, from the doorman of their building on Via Ariosto in Milan, where they moved in 1994, three years after the birth of Carlo, a y...


Encountering Enzo Piccinini

The testimony of people for whom, even after his death and thousands of miles from Italy, Enzo became a friend.

May 26th marks the 25th anniversary of the death of Servant of God Enzo Piccinini. Piccinini was an Italian surgeon and member of Communion and Liberation who tragically passed away in a car accident on his way home from a dinner with friends following a ...


The Gift of Fr. Giussani

A student shares his gratitude for having met Fr. Giussani through a philosophy class.

I teach philosophy at the Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico. I want to share what a young student, who is a novice in a religious order, wrote to me a couple of days ago about how the little he has been able to read of Father Giussani has impa...

Desires That Pierce Our Hearts

An artist in NYC shares some reflections on her experience of creating.

Seeing Heaven Everywhere

“The unity that we followed at the Exercises somehow enabled our disparate lives to bleed together into one.”

After nearly 16 years in the Movement, I only recently joined the Fraternity of Communion and Liberation. My family and I live in Atchison, Kansas, where my husband Aaron is the responsible of our School of Community. For me, joining the Fraternity was a ...

Elvira Parravicini

Elvira Parravicini Receives Evangelium Vitae Medal

The Evangelium Vitae Medal is a national award for heroes of the pro-life movement.

The deNicola Center for Ethics and Culture, a center at the University of Notre Dame which promotes “sharing the richness of the Catholic intellectual tradition through teaching, research, and public engagement,” presented Elvira Parravicini with its Evan...

Students on pilgrimage

Prayer is Action

Communion and Liberation University students prepare to go on pilgrimage to pray for peace

As American university campuses explode in protest, a group of eighty students are preparing to go on pilgrimage to pray for peace. The Communion and Liberation University students traditionally spend the week after the spring semester ends on vacation...

Vatican City, 16 July 1979: Fr. Giussani greets Pope John Paul II at the Grotto of Lourdes in the Vatican Gardens. (L'Osservatore Romano photographic services)

Daring to Sing the Song of Bernadette

A re-introduction to our May book of the month: "I have dared to sing the song of Bernadette"

In May, we are re-proposing The Song of Bernadette by Franz Werfel as our book of the month. Rev. Andrew Carvill introduces the book. “You see this child: he is destined for the fall and for the rising of many in Israel, destined to be a sign that is ...

Fr. Giussani in Riccione in 1973 (Photo: Fraternity of CL)


Monsignor Ennio Apeciti, Head of the Diocesan Office for the Causes of Saints, explains the path of the process toward the founder of CL’s beatification.

The testimonial phase of the Cause for the Beatification of the Servant of God, Monsignor Luigi Giussani, will begin next May 9. This announcement was communicated by the Archdiocese and, a few minutes later, by the Communion and Liberation Press Office. ...

Hannah and Mandy

An Essential Companionship

Experiencing "long loneliness," Hannah finds companionship in the community of Communion and Liberation.

I encountered CL during a time of “long loneliness,” as Dorothy Day described in her autobiography. I started graduate school at Auburn University in 2020, and my entire first year was virtual. Despite maintaining long-distance friendships and visiting my...

Fr. Luigi Giussani, 1922-2005 (Photo: Fraternità di CL)


On May 9, the Solemnity of the Ascension, the first public session will be held by the Archbishop of Milan in the Basilica of Sant'Ambrogio. The words of Davide Prosperi.

The Diocese of Milan announced today that on Thursday, May 9, at 5pm in the Basilica of Sant'Ambrogio in Milan, the Archbishop of Milan, His Excellency Monsignor Mario Delpini, will hold the first public session of the Testimonial Phase for the Cause of B...

Solar eclipse image, 2017 (via Unsplash)

Witnessing the Eclipse

Traveling from Baltimore, Giuliana and Massimo reflect on their experience of the 2024 total solar eclipse.

We started our eight-hour drive as a little expedition, adventuring on the I-70 from Baltimore to the “far West”. With little traffic, listening to good music and with a quiet sense of expectation, we crossed Maryland, reaching the Cumberland and the Appa...

Kids boarding school bus (vintage photograph via Unsplash)

Tracy's Story

A South Carolina morning spent with friends leads to the telling of a remarkable life.

“For the very fact that we live five minutes we affirm the existence of a ‘something”’ which deep down makes living those five minutes worthwhile.” (Chapter 5, The Religious Sense) Recently, some of my friends gathered at a nursing home to sing Irish s...

Way of the Cross, Washington, D.C.

Way of the Cross 2024

Communities throughout the country gathered on Good Friday to witness to the Event that saves.

What can I say? Our friend fresh from radiation and chemotherapy carried the cross to start the procession in the chapel at Franciscan Univeristy. To watch her small body carry the cross was almost to watch metaphor take flesh, or to watch flesh become me...