Fr Giussani: Towards May 9

The opening of the Testimonial Phase for the Cause of Beatification of the founder of CL in the Basilica of Sant'Ambrogio in Milan. Here is the information on how to participate.

Traces, April 2024

Caring for Life. What is life with an incurable or terminal illness? How can the person be accompanied?
Elvira Parravicini

Elvira Parravicini Receives Evangelium Vitae Medal

The Evangelium Vitae Medal is a national award for heroes of the pro-life movement.

The deNicola Center for Ethics and Culture, a center at the University of Notre Dame which promotes “sharing the richness of the Catholic intellectual tradition through teaching, research, and public engagement,” presented Elvira Parravicini with its Evan...

Students on pilgrimage

Prayer is Action

Communion and Liberation University students prepare to go on pilgrimage to pray for peace

As American university campuses are exploding in protest, a group of eighty students are preparing to go on pilgrimage to pray for peace. The Communion and Liberation University students traditionally spend the week after the spring semester ends on vaca...

Vatican City, 16 July 1979: Fr. Giussani greets Pope John Paul II at the Grotto of Lourdes in the Vatican Gardens. (L'Osservatore Romano photographic services)

Daring to Sing the Song of Bernadette

A re-introduction to our May book of the month: "I have dared to sing the song of Bernadette"

In May, we are re-proposing The Song of Bernadette by Franz Werfel as our book of the month. Rev. Andrew Carvill introduces the book. “You see this child: he is destined for the fall and for the rising of many in Israel, destined to be a sign that is ...

Fr. Giussani in Riccione in 1973 (Photo: Fraternity of CL)


Monsignor Ennio Apeciti, Head of the Diocesan Office for the Causes of Saints, explains the path of the process toward the founder of CL’s beatification.

The testimonial phase of the Cause for the Beatification of the Servant of God, Monsignor Luigi Giussani, will begin next May 9. This announcement was communicated by the Archdiocese and, a few minutes later, by the Communion and Liberation Press Office. ...

Hannah and Mandy

An Essential Companionship

Experiencing "long loneliness," Hannah finds companionship in the community of Communion and Liberation.

I encountered CL during a time of “long loneliness,” as Dorothy Day described in her autobiography. I started graduate school at Auburn University in 2020, and my entire first year was virtual. Despite maintaining long-distance friendships and visiting my...

Fr. Luigi Giussani, 1922-2005 (Photo: Fraternità di CL)


On May 9, the Solemnity of the Ascension, the first public session will be held by the Archbishop of Milan in the Basilica of Sant'Ambrogio. The words of Davide Prosperi.

The Diocese of Milan announced today that on Thursday, May 9, at 5pm in the Basilica of Sant'Ambrogio in Milan, the Archbishop of Milan, His Excellency Monsignor Mario Delpini, will hold the first public session of the Testimonial Phase for the Cause of B...

Solar eclipse image, 2017 (via Unsplash)

Witnessing the Eclipse

Traveling from Baltimore, Giuliana and Massimo reflect on their experience of the 2024 total solar eclipse.

We started our eight-hour drive as a little expedition, adventuring on the I-70 from Baltimore to the “far West”. With little traffic, listening to good music and with a quiet sense of expectation, we crossed Maryland, reaching the Cumberland and the Appa...

Kids boarding school bus (vintage photograph via Unsplash)

Tracy's Story

A South Carolina morning spent with friends leads to the telling of a remarkable life.

“For the very fact that we live five minutes we affirm the existence of a ‘something”’ which deep down makes living those five minutes worthwhile.” (Chapter 5, The Religious Sense) Recently, some of my friends gathered at a nursing home to sing Irish s...

Way of the Cross, Washington, D.C.

Way of the Cross 2024

Communities throughout the country gathered on Good Friday to witness to the Event that saves.

What can I say? Our friend fresh from radiation and chemotherapy carried the cross to start the procession in the chapel at Franciscan Univeristy. To watch her small body carry the cross was almost to watch metaphor take flesh, or to watch flesh become me...

St. Bernadette Soubirous (public domain via Wikimedia Commons)

The Grotto of Hope

A book review of April’s Book of the Month: The Song of Bernadette by Franz Werfel. Originally published in the April issue of Tracce.

“Reciting the rosary is a kind of heavenly manual work; an invisible sewing or knitting or embroidering, done quickly through the fifty Hail Marys on a crown of little pearls.” Bernadette Soubirous is in the presence of Mary. There has sprung up in her “a...

Giotto, Crucifixion (public domain)

Stabat Mater Through the Eyes of Giussani

Giussani's reflections on Pergolesi's Stabat Mater, from Spirto Gentil, a collection of his commentaries on classical music

Click here to listen to the Pergolesi "Stabat Mater." Stabat Mater dolorosa: Pergolesi’s hymn helps us to perceive mysterious joy, paradoxical consolation, and vigorous certainty that challenges life’s happening. It helps us always. Truly, he is like ...

"If I accept that I am loved, then I live in the truth"

Sarah reflects on her experience of CLU's “40 Days of Friendship.”
Photo: Bethany Beck via Unsplash

An Act of Forgiveness

Sometimes an answer to prayer comes through unexpected channels, in the course of everyday charitable work.

It was Tuesday and day five of tension at home. The kids were fighting again, this time over a missing hairbrush – or was it who ate the last of the cereal? My husband and I were needling at each other over who filled the dishwasher wrong. I prayed, ask...

Tara Isabella Burton, Fr. Patrick Gilger, and Stephen Adubato's panel at the Encounter (Ana Emilia Hernandez)

The Totality of the Question

An interview with Tara Isabella Burton, a panelist at the New York Encounter’s “Can the Soul Remain Open When Life Settles In?” in conversation with Fr. Patrick Gilger and Stephen Adubato

Tara Isabella Burton is the author of three novels—Social Creature (2019), The World Cannot Give (2023), and her most recent work, Here in Avalon (2024). She holds a doctorate in theology from Oxford University, and her nonfiction works of cultural commen...

Luca Fiammenghi / Fraternità di CL

The Voice of a History

Pippo Molino, musician and composer, describes in a recent book the place of singing in the movement: “It is born in a living community. It is one with the experience we have. And a choir is pure charity.” From the January issue of Tracce.

One thing is certain: in the movement of CL we sing. At the Spiritual Exercises, during the liturgy, before a meeting. But also on a hike or an evening among friends. It is maybe one of the most characteristic expressions of the movement. “It is a sensibi...


A New School of Community in Los Angeles

"It has shown me the power of living in communion with others and, most importantly, with myself."

In Los Angeles, where the pace of life is fast — where there’s barely a moment to genuinely answer a person’s inquiry “How are you?” and a latent skepticism that it could ever be a genuine question — a little flock of people are meeting near LAX (Los Ange...

"Morning Sun" by Edward Hopper

A True Realist

This month’s “Book of the Month” is The End of the Affair, published in 1951 by the twentieth-century English novelist Graham Greene.

Greene’s novel is narrated by Maurice Bendrix, a novelist by profession who has been praised, he tells us, for his “technical abilities.” Bendrix is a writer of “realist” fiction; that is, he writes fiction that tries to stay close in its descriptions, ch...


Education and the Road to Destiny

The Tampa Bay Community hosted a panel to discuss the content of The Risk of Education and saw firsthand the grace of the charism given by the Holy Spirit to Fr. Giussani

In his letter addressed to the Movement in which he announced that he would be stepping down as President of the Fraternity of Communion and Liberation, Fr. Julian Carron wrote, “I wish you to live this circumstance as an occasion of growth of your eccles...


A Unique Lens

The friends that organized the Leonard Cohen exhibit at the 2024 New York Encounter share their judgment on the work.

The Leonard Cohen exhibit that we prepared for the Encounter bore many unexpected fruits. A few days after the Encounter, our team had a conversation that made this clear. Here is a recounting of our conversation: My wife and I, who both worked on this...


Living the Liturgy

A book including Fr. Giussani’s meditations on the liturgy is now available in English through Slant Books

Slant Books recently published Living the Liturgy: A Witness by Fr. Giussani. The insights in Living the Liturgy were taken from conversations that Fr. Giussani had with members of Communion and Liberation, and this is the first time this text is availabl...


A Friendship Full of Wonder

Friends in Houston, TX host a cultural event discussing the role of wonder in the dynamics of knowing.

Last semester, I met with Rob Phillips – a biophysics professor from Caltech – and he told me: “When I bring my students on our field trip the Galapagos Islands, I ask them to sit for twenty minutes twice a day, every day, in silence, to look at the ocean...