Christmas: a warmth that melts hardened hearts

Davide Prosperi writes to 'Corriere della Sera': With the mystery of the Incarnation, Destiny becomes a human companionship. For everyone

The Awe of a Presence

“I was reborn through my sickness” – the surprise of being fully alive in the midst of illness

I became sick with Bell’s Palsy unexpectedly on the weekend prior to Thanksgiving. While I managed to attend to some of my commitments the weekend prior, the reality was that by Monday I could no longer have a normal conversation, work, or drive. I had t...


The Miracle of Christmas is the Miracle of Hospitality

Begging for the miracle of hospitality to happen in each of our hearts this Christmas

A little over a year ago on a Sunday evening in October, I returned home to discover police cars and that familiar yellow tape with the words, “POLICE LINE DO NOT CROSS” surrounding the perimeter of the house next door. It wasn’t long until I discovered t...


The Awareness of Finality

“Having taken baby steps towards the Infinite on my cancer journey, I know that what I long for is for Christ to come again.”

Lately, living with stage 3 cancer, I find it almost impossible to pray the prayers for my healing that loving friends and family have sent me and prayed for me. Perhaps it is because it is my own body, my very being. Thus there is already an irrepressibl...


Educating the Human Heart in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Friends in the Twin Cities organize a two-day event to explore and judge Generative AI.

The day had finally arrived. The big event was here and we were full of anticipation. None of us had pulled off an event like this before and we weren’t entirely sure what to expect. How many people would come? Would people enjoy it? Would they leave gain...


Our Lady of Guadalupe: A Discovery of Identity

What is Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas and the mother of all humanity, revealing to us?

Our Lady of Guadalupe, whose feast day is celebrated on December 12, is confirmed by the Church as the “Patroness of the Americas”. She first appeared on the hill of Tepeyac, Mexico in 1531 to St. Juan Diego, an indigenous peasant and convert to the Catho...